Welcome to SAPMA
Including the Incorporation of Associated Industries
SAPMA is the trade association that regulates more than 90% of all paint manufactured in South Africa. We represent the manufacturers, importers, retailers, contractors and suppliers of raw materials, as well as the service providers, of the South African paint and coatings sector.
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Empowering Individuality: The Benefits of Independent Membership in SAPMA for Coatings Sector Companies
As companies within the Coatings Sector seek to elevate their industry presence and stay abreast of evolving trends, the Southern [continues...]
The Establishment of an HR Practitioners Forum in the Paint and Coatings Sector
The Paint and Coatings sector, comprising industries such as Raw Materials Supply, Manufacturing, Retail, and Application Contracting, recognizes the pivotal [continues...]
S A Coatings Sector Heavily Hit By Load Shedding
Press release from Jan de Beer, email: jan@jandebeer.co.za The South African coatings sector are being severely [continues...]