SAPMA is a trade association that regulates more than 90% of all paint manufactured in South Africa. We represent the manufacturers, importers, retailers, contractors and suppliers of raw materials, as well as the service providers, of the South African paint and coatings sector.
SAPMA has broadened its membership to accommodate all industries within the Coatings Sector as a whole to encompass the following membership categories:
SAPMA Manco members
SAPMA Executive Committee
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Dyshan Pillay, Dave Alexander (Actichem), Trevor I’ons, Kavir Birijbal (NCS SA (Pty)Ltd), Francois Viljoen, (Rustoleum), Sanjeev Bhatt (Synthetic Polymers), Paul Hadjiapostolou (Rhine Ruhr), Graham Duk (BAMR), Shome Debajit (Colourscapes Europe), David Lombard (Valspar/Sherwin Williams)
MANUFACTURING MEMBERS: Terry Ashmore (Honorary Member), Frank Wagner/Dawid, Johan Schmidt (ICI Dulux), Bobby Bhugwandin, Noel Mashayamombe (Kansai Plascon), Stephen Reinecke, Tejas Patel (Promac Paints), Aggie Argyrou (Warrior Paints), Simon Stekhoven (Duram Paints), Russel Els (Beckers Industrial), Johann Kok (Stoncor), Preshinee Reddy, Devan Govender (IMCD), Chris Malan (PPG), Brett Larson (Urochem)
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Donald Wasson (Technical Committee Chairman), Magan Soobramoney (Education Committee Chairman), Ivor Blumenthal (SCEA/Retail & Hardware)
What We Stand For
SAPMA Code Of Conduct
Code Of Conduct
- Professionalism: Members shall conduct themselves in a professional manner and shall not engage in any conduct that brings the Sector of Coatings or SAPMA into disrepute.
- Conflicts of Interest: Members shall disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest and shall not use their position within SAPMA for personal gain.
- Fair Competition: Members shall not engage in unfair competition or anti-competitive practices, such as price fixing or market allocation.
- Responsible Marketing: Members shall not make false, misleading, or deceptive claims about their products or services, and shall comply with all applicable advertising and marketing laws and regulations and voluntarily subject themselves to SAPMA’s Ethical Resolution Process.
- Confidentiality: Members shall protect the confidentiality of any non-public information obtained through their involvement in SAPMA and shall not disclose such information without proper authorization. In-particular members agree to keep any reports and information distributed between membership, as confidential.
- Sanctions: Violation of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, including revocation of membership.
- Ethical Behaviour: Members shall act with integrity and in good faith in all their dealings with SAPMA, its members, and the public.
- Transparency: Members shall be open and transparent in their dealings with the SAPMA and its members.
- Compliance: Members shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, industry standards and reporting requirements from SAPMA and from Government Departments.
- Reporting Violations: Members shall report any violations of this Code of Conduct to SAPMA and cooperate fully with any investigation.